Monday, April 11, 2011

QuadFold Logo

I had to do something which looked fresh, rich and 3d-ish...
And I decided to make a logo entitled doublefold...but then again I though...what could be better than doublefold???

Yup....'QuadFold'.... "double the Doublefold!"...
Yeah I know pretty cheesy...but serves to be a good enuff excuse to design a logo..

Put a lot of thought into this one alright...there had been endless revisions to make it looks much more unique hope Iv achieved what I had in mind.

Super Android

I bought a Samsung Galaxy S a few weeks back and I realize I am in love with Android... Yes it is heart-breaking to leave my old Nokia 5800's Symbian..with its abundant bugs and frequent lags...but Android is the next big thing in mobile already is!
Well this is for all ye Android lovers out there...

Pebble Spider Logo

I was and always has been an arachnid fan...
Pebble Spider emerged from a sketch I did.
Refining was done in abundance!

For Sale!

Wichita Logo

Whichita... or Wichita (A Kansas City) logo meant for boutique..